oh, but it's really so much more.................
It lives, grows and thrives in the mud.
The Lotus Flower
We cannot deny its beauty
Let it be an example
We live and grow in mud -
the muddy crap that takes up residence in our lives
............. our disappointments, our sadness, our pain, our tears, our grief, our struggles, our sorrow, our heartaches, our body aches........................
all of it
the crap of our lives
the muddy crap of our lives
Take a lesson from the beautiful Lotus Blossom
the more muddy, the more beautiful it becomes
Learn this lesson well.................
Open your mind, heart and soul up to welcome the muddy clouds that seek to destroy
Don't focus on it
Don't allow it to damper your spirit
Don't drown in it
And, for heaven's sake, don't resist it
for what we resist, will persist.
welcome it - embrace it
Be grateful and appreciate it - all of it
Life will include happiness - just not all the time.
Life will include suffering - it is what it is - that's a "given".
But, when we just allow the natural ebb and flow between suffering and happiness, without expectations, with acceptance, the mud becomes more tolerable
For it's from the mud that we will thrive and become beautiful, too
............just like the Lotus flower
Look in the mirror and recognize how truly beautiful you really are..............