Friday, April 6, 2012

Her Name Was Marlena

She was my best friend for many years, right by my side at all times.  I guess you could say she was my shadow.  Everywhere I went, there she was.  But, I didn’t mind.  She was the perfect companion for me.  Whatever I liked, she liked too.  She treasured and protected any secret I told her in confidence.  She maintained my sense of humor.  She gave me a sense of safety.    

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but suddenly one day I noticed, she had disappeared.  She would sneak a peek in everyone once in a while, just to remind me she had not really left.  But, sadly, as the years passed, her visits became fewer and farther between, until she no longer appeared.

With the passing years, tarnish developed in my imagination.  My life got busy, crowding out thoughts of Marlena.  Forgotten memory was only temporary, as everything is.  Then as swiftly as she vanished, unexpectedly her image surfaced once again.  She looked precisely as she had so many years ago.  Immediately I recognized her.  She was a welcome sight, a vision of warmth and friendship; a sense of comfort. 

It was apparent our paths had crossed long ago for a reason.  That purpose was clarified when we were reunited.  And, just as is true of any authentic friendship, even after so many years, we easily picked up, where we left off, as if no time had passed.

The difference is that now she is with me for only brief periods of time.  Now, so many years later since my childhood, my desires have changed, leaving less room in my life for Marlena.  However this whimsical fantasy returns to me, whenever a need exists. 

Created within the depths of my heart, soul and imagination, Marlena has become my sanity.  I am truly grateful for this gift.

If everyone had an illusion, just like Marlena, this world would be a more peaceful and happier place.